

Dear Subscribers

The Acceptable Use Policy has been revised, updated and renamed to "Service Policies."  The Service Policies document combines all of the individual polices on our website into one, and we hope that this is more straightforward to use and refer to.

The policies are now available our website: and document the following: Introduction, Using JiscMail, Ethics, Role of List Owners, Content of Messages, Mailing List Archives, Mailing List Etiquette, Limitations, Data Protection, Freedom of Information Act, Violating this policy, Amendments

By using JiscMail both list owners and subscribers should adhere to the conditions set out in the document.

All JiscMail List owners have been asked to circulate this information, so you may receive several copies of this message.

If you have any questions regarding the changes we've made please contact [log in to unmask]

Alison Hartrey
Head of Planning

Tel:    020 7074 5085
Email: [log in to unmask]

Postal Address: SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, LONDON  WC1H 0XG   
Visiting Address: Room V104, Vernon Square, Penton Rise, LONDON WC1X 9EW