

Dear John.

Thank you for the reply. I was indeed working with SPM8. I tried using the create warp tool with modulation to warp one of the Jacobian images with the flow field used to generate the other Jacobian image. However, the output was different as using the Deformation Utility of SPM12. So I think I will use this last approach.

Best regards,
Andre Santos Ribeiro

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:43 PM, John Ashburner <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
If you are using SPM12b, there's an option in the Deformations Utility for generating Jacobian determinants from deformation fields.  There's no simple way I can think of for doing this in SPM8 though, although the operations involved are fairly simple.  Essentially, you want to warp one of the Jacobian maps, with scaling by the Jacobian of the deformation used for warping  (ie "modulation").

Best regards,

On 15 January 2014 15:27, André Ribeiro <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear SPM community,

Can anyone explain me how to derive the Jacobian determinant from a composed flow field. I can only obtain the jacobian for each component (from the source and the template, not from both combined). By the way, one of the flow fields is backwards and the other forwards.

Andre Santos Ribeiro