

Dear experts:
I'm sorry but I probably have made an uncomplete description of my question, sorry to bother all once more.
I'm using SPM8 to calculate some fMRI data, and I need to make a BMA step for models. Unfortunately, the default value of random samples in the software is 10000, while the number of models involed into the BMA is a little large(1000 for example). I wonder how to change the number of random samples in this BMA step, which part of the program should I make a change; and if for the BMA result it would be better to change this number to a larger one when the number of models is large thus the number of random samples is relative small. I have found the spm_compare_families.mat and successfully changed the random samples number in families compare step, but it seems useless when a BMA step without any families involved is calculated.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Margarita Papadopoulou";<[log in to unmask]>;
发送时间: 2014年1月18日(星期六) 晚上10:43
收件人: "晓翌"<[log in to unmask]>;
主题: Re: [SPM] How to change the number of samples in the procedure of BMA(DCM)?


I think that you will find what you need if you go to SPM12\toolbox\dcm_meeg and modify  the value of N in spm_dcm_erp_bma.m


On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 2:43 PM, 晓翌 <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear experts:
In the current SPM software, the sample quantity in the proceeture of BMA in DCM was set to 10000. While in my research, the number of models involved in the BMA(DCM) step is a little large(1000 for example), I doubt that in such situation the sample quantity may be relativily small thus I want to change it to a larger one. Could experts tell me in which program/function can I reset the value?
Thanks a lot
Best wishes
Wang Yi