Dear all - please find below a call for 'expressions of interest' in a Fuller Geographies session at this years RGS-IBG conference in London.

We would like to encourage participation by collaborators, those in 'researched' positions and others who may be interested but may not be attending the RGS-IBG as a whole - please do pass this information on to relevant people. (We have requested that the RGS-IBG support and facilitate such involvement for people not funded to attend the whole Conference. Via the appropriate technologies, we will also try to un-limit participation for those who cannot attend in person).

Many thanks


Fuller geographies of co-production: making space for reciprocal research encounters

RGS-IBG 2014 Annual Meeting, London 26-29 August

Sponsored by the Participatory Geographies Research Group

Convenors: Myfanwy Taylor, Peter North, Kelvin Mason

Now in its sixth iteration, fuller geographies is intended as an open session in which all are welcome to participate, as an approach to (re)doing academic conference practices as inclusively as we can, as a starting point/meeting place to enable the sharing and co-production of experiences and knowledges. This year, we are suggesting a focus of debate around co-production and the relations of researcher-researched: asking questions/inviting participation around those vexed, myriad, emergent and fluid relationships we enter into in the research process (broadly conceived); recognising ‘beyond the academy’ as relational and overlapping with rather than binary to academic positions; and exploring the ways in which research involves a ‘walking together’ (Pain, 2014). We envisage these issues as relating to a wide range of methodologies and approaches, not only to participatory action research, but far more expansively. We are interested in teasing out, appreciating, producing and iterating “geographies which are in every sense fuller, and especially more connected, creative and hopeful” (Pygyrg communifesto, ongoing). We also hope this will be a space to discuss and share experiences, concerns and desires for how doing geography, and co-produced research, can take place within and beyond the university today.

In particular, we would like to encourage participation by people in ‘researched’ positions to come and share experiences and thoughts with those ‘researching’. We have requested that the RGS-IBG support and facilitate such involvement for people not funded to attend the whole Conference. Via the appropriate technologies, we will also try to un-limit participation for those who cannot attend in person.

Please send expressions of interest in attending, any thoughts on the form of the session, and perhaps suggestions for preparatory readings/listenings/viewings to Myfanwy Taylor [log in to unmask], Peter North [log in to unmask] and Kelvin Mason [log in to unmask]


Pain, R. (2014) Impact: Striking a blow or walking together? ACME, 13 (1), 19 -23.


communifesto for fuller geographies