

deadline extended until the 27th January!




Gender and Geography Commission Sessions


IGU Regional Conference, Krakow, Poland



18-22 August 2014


The Gender and Geography Commission is organizing nine paper sessions (see below for the descriptions) at the IGU Regional Conference in Krakow, Poland, 18-22 August 2014.  We would like to invite you to submit your abstracts (maximum: 500 words) on-line by Wednesday, 15 January 2014 at


(Note: Registration for the conference is required before you can submit your abstract on-line, but you only need to pay registration fees after you have been notified in mid-February as to whether your abstract has been submitted.  Information on travel grants is found at the end of this email.)


Feminist Participatory Methodologies: Creating Spaces of Inclusion?

Organized by Martina Angela Caretta ([log in to unmask]) and Yvonne Riaņo ([log in to unmask])


Feminist epistemology rejects the methodological ideals of objectivity and value-neutrality as oneīs own experience and understandings can never be replicated (Colls 2012; Code 2006). Moreover, it claims that established theories of knowledge have perpetuated power asymmetries within science by according epistemic authority to privileged menīs experiences, which have been considered to be implicitly generalizable (Code 2006; Cope 2002).  Consequently, feminist epistemology aims to subvert the power-loaded relationship between the researcher and "the researched" and to let the voice of the research participants be heard through their participation in the research process as well as in the final texts and data produced. Despite an intense theoretical discussion on these issues we have fewer discussions so far on how to operationalize the former principles in our own research. How do we carry out a socially responsible research that aims at "investigating with the participants rather than about the research subjects" (Riaņo 2012)? What forms of inclusionary spaces can be created to co-produce knowledge with the research participants? And how do we account for “the feminist imperative to form connections between personal accounts and theoretical discourse” (Kannen 2012:3)? These are crucial challenges for contemporary geographers that we would like to address in our session.

This session invites interventions and reflections on feminist participatory methodologies as possible tools to improve trustworthiness, mutual learning, transferability and confirmability of studies, giving “an accurate reflection of reality (or at least, participants ‘construction of reality)” (Cho and Trent 2006: 322) while at the sam time facilitating a less hierarchical relationship between the researcher and the research participants (Maynard 1994). 

In this spirit, we invite theoretical and empirical papers inspired by, but not limited to, any of the following themes:



Bondi, L. 2003. Empathy and identification: conceptual resources for feminist fieldwork. ACME: International Journal of Critical Geography, 2, 64-76

Cho, J., Trent, A., 2006. Validity in qualitative research revisited. Qualitative Research 6, 319–340.

Code, L. 2006. Women Knowing/Knowing Women: Critical-Creative Interventions in the Politics of Knowledge, in: Handbook of Gender and Women’s Studies Handbook of Gender and Women’s Studies. SAGE, 146–166.

Colls, R., 2012. Feminism, bodily difference and non-representational geographies. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 37, 430–445.

Cope, M. 2002. Feminist epistemology in geography. In Feminist geography in practice: research methods. Moss, P. (ed.). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers. 43-56.

Domosh, M. 2003. Toward a More Fully Reciprocal Feminist Inquiry. ACME 2. Pp. 107–111.

Kannen, V., 2012. Pregnant, privileged and PhDing: exploring embodiments in qualitative research. Journal of Gender Studies 0, 1–14.

Lagesen, V.A., 2010. The Importance of Boundary Objects in Transcultural Interviewing. European Journal of Women’s Studies 17, 125–142.

Maynard, M. 1994. Methods, Practice and Epistemology in Maynard, M. Purvis, J. (eds.)  Researching women's lives from a feminist perspective. London : Taylor & Francis.

Riaņo, Y. 2012. The production of knowledge as a "Minga": Challenges and Opportunities of a New Methodological Approach based on Co-Determination and Reciprocity". Working Paper Series MAPS: 3, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. ISSN : 1662-744X.



Martina Angela Caretta



MFS handläggare

Contributor to the blog


Kulturgeografiska Institutionen, Stockholm Universitetet

Visiting address: Svante Arrhenius Vag 8, room X405

SE 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden


Mobil: + 46 705342115

Fax: + 46 8 16 49 69



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