


Subjective Query. Should this sentence be turned into a table? I'm not sure.

"As the data is ratio type and it is normally distributed, a Pearson’s
correlation matrix was produced for the variable ‘Interests: Lawyer’ and
the five aggregate variables. The correlations found were as follows.
LangAgg was highly correlated with Lawyer Interest (*r*(248) = .419, *p* <
.001), as was QuantAgg (*r*(248) = .348, *p* < .001) and SocAgg (*r*(248) =
.239, *p* < .001). However StressAgg and ExcitAgg were both deemed not
significant (*r*(248) = .087, *p* = .171 and *r*(248) = .-071, *p* = .266
respectively). "

Best Wishes
Ben Haysom-Newport MSc, BSc (Hons), MBPsS