

Hi All,

Thanks Margaret for this great idea !! Could it be adapted to Spanish ?  Please let me know. Greetings, g.rebolledo

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 01:06:03 -0800
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Action Research Tutorials
To: [log in to unmask]

Hi all,

I have been working on creating a free online action research self-pacing course (or resource for an online course).  It is taking me longer than I hoped, but I have 5 modules complete and would love to hear any feedback as I push forward for the next set.  I have just finished the planning process. The first 5 tutorials can be see at:

I list the tentative plan for the rest but this might change as I work through the process.  I would value any feedback you thave.  Each tutorial as a video, a set of activities and a set of resources to help do the activities. 

The playlist of all of the videos can be accessed on youtube.

1. Overview of Action Research 
2. Understanding Action Research
3. Finding your Action Research Question/Challenge
4. The Action Research Context
5. Planning you Actions 
6. Cycles -- an Iterative Process
7. Collecting Evidence
8. Analyzing Evidence
9. Reflecting on your Actions 
10. Cycles of change 
11. Writing your Action Research Report
12. Sharing your research with others
13. Your identity as an Action Researcher

Margaret Riel <[log in to unmask]>
   Phone: (760) 618-1314 
   Profile on ResearchGate