

Dear All,

While this has been going on, I have been away in New Zealand in a
different kind of camp (or series of camps) entirely.

And NO TV and NO Internet and NO phones.

Tramping on the Milford Track is exhausting but inspiring, bruising but
enlightening, painful but with pleasure.

Looking out, at the top of the climb, on a open vista, gave one hope for a
wonderful 2014.

I trust it is so for all of us.

It will take me some time to stop scratching the sand fly bites in my


On 17/01/2014 3:16 pm, "Don Norman" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I posit that there are three kinds of people on this list now.
>   1. People who are either in GK's camp or in Ken's camp
>   2. People who not only do not know who is correct, but who don't care.
>   3. People who are sick and tired of the feud between the two of you.

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