

FINAL NOTICE - places still available but book soon!

Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales

2014 Wales Museums Conference - Thursday March 6th 2014 - 'Innovation in

Venue: Cardiff Story Museum.

10.30 start.

Booking form attached.

The Federation is grateful for the support of Welsh Government for this

Speakers include:

John Griffiths (Minister for Culture and Sport)

Peter Gomer - WLGA

Trust Status - Pete Gascoigne (Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust), Susan
Dalloe (Museum of  Cannock Chase) .

Role of Volunteers and Friends (speakers from WCVA, Egypt Centre, BAFM

Other speakers to be confirmed.

There will be plenty of time for discussion and networking.


John Marjoram

Development Officer /Swyddog Datblygu

Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Celf Cymru.

Federation of Museums & Art Galleries of Wales.


1, Fron Castell, Llangollen. LL20 7BX

01978 861621

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Federation of Museums & Art Galleries of Wales 


- Museums empower people through education and  


- Collections in museums help communities to regenerate 

   and forge their identity

- Museums contribute to the economy.