

GECCO 2014 Artificial Immune Systems Track

(apologies for multiple postings)

DEADLINE FOR FULL PAPER SUBMISSION: January 29th (non-extensible)

Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) is a diverse area of research that takes inspiration from the natural immune system to develop algorithms that can be applied in a wide range of applications, including learning, optimisation and classification. Many of these algorithms are built on solid theoretical foundations, taking inspiration and understanding from mathematical models and computational simulation of aspects of the immune systems. In turn, such models and simulations can act as a bridge between computer science and immunology, providing new insights for immunologists. Recent advances now also provide theoretical analysis into the performance and complexity of many of the common immune-inspired algorithms. 
The AIS track welcomes submissions of original and unpublished work in all aspects of AIS, including (but not limited to) the following areas:

Biological foundations of AIS
Computational modelling and simulation of aspects of the immune system
Applications of AIS algorithms to computational problems, e.g. in optimisation, classification, learning
Application to real-world problems
Novel algorithms and new approaches
Benchmarking against other techniques
Hybridisation with other techniques
Empirical investigations into performance and complexity
Theoretical aspects including:
Algorithm performance
Convergence analysis
Mathematical modelling

2014 ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2014)
July 12-16, 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada

** Important dates **

* Abstract submission: January 15, 2014
* Submission of full papers: January 29, 2014 (non-extensible)
* Notification of paper acceptance: March 12, 2014
* Camera ready submission: April 14, 2014
* Advance registration: May 2, 2014
* Conference: July 12-16, 2014