

Dear All (apologies for cross-posting),

CL:AIRE is pleased to announce that it is organising the In Situ Remediation ’14 Conference in London on 2nd - 4th September 2014 at the impressive Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. Two frenetic days of presentations and a third day of thematic workshops will make the conference an amazing place for the discussion on the latest scientific research, technical advances and innovations in the management, assessment and sustainable in situ remediation of contaminated land and groundwater.

During these two days leading scientists, researchers and environmental professionals working in the field will meet creating an unique atmosphere to exchange ideas, share experiences, gain exposure to the latest developments and network with experts from around the world.

The programme of keynote presentations, platform talks and posters will cover the following themes:

If you are interested in the conference, all updated information is available online at our website Also,the call for abstracts and workshops proposals are now open until 3rdMarch 2014 and the registration form will be open from the middle of February 2014.

Abstracts on scientific understanding of fundamental processes, performance evaluation, technology demonstration, practical implementation, laboratory, field and modelling studies and new approaches are particularly encouraged.


Best regards


Rob Sweeney
Project Director

32 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3QJ
Tel:  +44 (0)20 7299 4250  
Fax:  +44 (0)20 7299 4259

CL:AIRE is a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee/Registered in England No. 3740059/Entrust Enrolment No. 119820/Registered Charity No. 1075611

Supporting the beneficial use of brownfield land and remediation technologies

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