

Yes. So you probably miss the b=0 entries. If your b=0 volume is let's say first in the sequence, you could add a "0" to the beginning of the bvals file and a "0 0 0" column vector to the beginning of the bvecs (by adding a zero to the beginning of each row of the bvecs file).


On 15 Jan 2014, at 14:13, Nele De Witte <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Stam,
> Thank you for the quick and helpful respons. I think I understand it now. I have volume 0 to 16 (so 17 volumes), so I should have 17 bvals and 3 rows of 17 bvecs. Is that correct? Then my problem has shifted, because I only have 16 bvals and bvecs. I am missing one value. Is there a way to find out what it is?
> Thanks!
> Nele