

Dear FSL users,
I have a question about setting up the contrast in GLM-repeated measures design.
I have two groups patients and controls, both group were  randomised into exercise or occupational therapy. Every subject were measured twice in the beginning of the study and after 6 months. I want to include compliance as covariate as well.

Run(measurement1or 2)      Group(patient/control)   randomisation(exercise/occ) compliance
1                                         1                                    0                                        50
1                                         0                                    1                                        75
1                                         0                                    0                                        25
1                                         1                                    0                                        100
0                                         1                                    0                                         50
0                                         0                                    1                                         75
0                                         0                                    0                                         25
0                                         1                                    0                                         100

I want to study whether there is an difference in time by randomisation and time by group by randomisation in white matter parameters in FSL.
Could someone help me with setting up the contrast to achieve this?
Many thanks for answer