

Hello FSL experts,

I apologize if this has previously been answered, in my searching I
couldn't find an exact answer. I am currently running an analysis in which
the organization of my folders has become a bit unorthodox. I have a series
of nifti files that I would like to run a GLM on, these files have been
completely preprocessed and have been registered to standard space,
however, this was all done on a different computer leaving me currently
only with the nifti and regressor files. Is it possible for me to run a GLM
on this data? When I set up my model in feat, it complains that there are
no reg folders and that I need to turn on registration. These files are in
the correct space and don't need registration or preprocessing, I know it
would be easiest if the folder structures weren't modified but is there an
option I can turn on that will enable feat (or something else) to use only
the nifti files and regressors I supply to run a GLM? I am specifically
hoping to be able to produce thresholded zstat images so the format is at
least similar to prior analysis using this data.
