

You're right that all_FA (and all_MD or all_ADC etc when you've run
tbss_non_fa) may contain the values you need but if you want to look at the
*skeleton* values that were actually used in the randomise calculation then
you need all_FA_skeletonised (all_MD_skeletonised etc).

As you'll see if you open the files up in fslview they're 4D files with the
4th dimension being subject in (usually) alphabetical order. All_FA.nii.gz
contains the FA maps warped into MNI space, and all_FA_skeletonised
contains the skeleton values for each person in MNI space.

You could use some combination of fslmaths, fslsplit, fslstats or fslmeants
to apply a mask and then get the mean values within those masks. Type each
command without any arguments to get their usage.

I think fslmeants is probably your easiest bet:

For example: If you wanted to get the mean FA from the tbss skeleton within
a mask of the corpus callosum (made by thresholding the appropriate file in
$FSLDIR/data/atlases/... and called corpus_callosum_mask.nii.gz) you could

fslmeants -i all_FA_skeletonised.nii.gz -m corpus_callosum_mask.nii.gz -o

I hope this helps!

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:08 AM, charlie Leger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I would like to create a histogram and perhaps boxplot of TBSS FA ( and
> ADC) data.  It seems the all_FA data might supply the frequency
> distribution data but I am uncertain how to proceed.
> I would like to use R (statistics) to develop the graphs; I should be able
> to create masks of the FA and ADC data from which frequency distributions
> can be made.
>  As I have only a basic understanding of TBSS, any recommendations would
> be much appreciated.
> Thank you

Kirstie Whitaker, PhD
Research Associate

tel: +44 7583 535 307

Department of Psychiatry
University of Cambridge
Herchel Smith Building
Robinson Way
Cambridge CB2 0SZ