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please see attached and below.

Colonial/Postcolonial/Decolonial Working Group (CPD)

British International Studies Association



6th June, 2014, 10-6pm

Queen Mary University of London


Historically, the production of knowledge of international relations tended to follow hierarchies established through a colonial and imperial political gaze that was often resisted and is now increasingly discredited. Yet the persistence of the gaze and its associated hierarchies in academic knowledge production continues to be influential. This inaugural CPD workshop invites participants to reflect on the ongoing relationship between colonial and imperial forms of power, and the production of academic knowledge in International Relations (IR).  


Papers should address the broad question:  “Who writes about whom? International Relations and the Colonial Gaze”. Papers might engage with methodological issues pertaining to data collection, ethnography and interpretation, ethical issues arising out of partnership, fieldwork and dissemination, or political and philosophical issues related to knowledge production. Please send title and abstracts to Dr Robbie Shilliam – [log in to unmask]. Those who wish to attend the workshop but do not wish to give a paper are very welcome to take part and should also email Dr Shilliam.


Places at the workshop are limited to 20 people. Paper-giving participants will be selected on the grounds of enabling a high quality and pluralistic discussion. Non-paper giving participants will be selected with reference to the resonances between their own research and the workshop theme, but also with the aim of ensuring geographical, career-level and social diversity amongst participants.


CPD is able to offer five 100GBP travel bursaries that will be prioritised for non-London based and non-permanent contract colleagues. Lunch will be provided for all attendees.


Prof Mustapha K. Pasha, Dr Meera Sabaratnam, Dr Robbie Shilliam – CPD co-conveners

Dr Robbie Shilliam
Senior Lecturer in International Relations
Queen Mary University of London