

Dear all,

Please consider supporting by his initiative by signing the petition below and spreading the  word. I went to a talk recently by Polly Higgins, the Scottish lawyer  who initiated this campaign,  and I found her  impressive.  Concern for the environmental issues are  inextricably linked with other issues we are concerned about as community psychologists: social justice, equality, human rights, well-being. It would be great to have stronger voices as critical psychologists on this.


End Ecocide in Europe is a grass-roots initiative aimed at protecting ecosystems on which we all depend for life. We can achieve that by making severe cases of environmental destruction a crime for which those responsible can be hel d accountable. This crime has a name: Ecocide.

Vote to end ecocide today at<>.

Ecocide is defined as the "extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystems of a given territory". We want ecocide to become a crime for which those responsible can be held accountable. To learn more watch this animation<>.

Today, we live in a world where the "widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment" (Art 8.2 Rome Statute) is a war crime but during peace time corporates destroy the earth in a severe way without facing any consequences. We believe it's time to update the law.

That's why we have proposed a law to the European Union - when at least 1 million EU citizens support it, the European Commission will have to consider our proposal. The European Citizens' Initiative is a direct democratic tool which politicians can 't ignore. Vote now at<>.

The initiative is entirely run by volunteers. It's a true citizens' initiative and therefore YOU can also do your part. Just take it on and speak about it wherever you can, encourage all your friends and family to sign and spread it in your unique network. Share our video<> and follow us on Facebook<> or Twitter<>. If you want to do more, please have a look at our Get Involved<> section and contact Lucia, our volunteers coordinator ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

More information can be found at:<> and<> (on the European Citizens' Initiative in general).

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.

YOU can become part of that change!


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