

Hello Everybody,

34 Open tickets in the UK. In the interests of efficiency/laziness I 
only looked at the tickets that were updated in the last 7 days as I 
went over all the tickets last week. And here's what I spied (there's 
not much going on really).

TIER 1 (6/12)
As seen on TB-SUPPORT, a ticket is in for an NGI level argus server at 
the Tier 1. I'm sure this will be discussed elsewhere in the meeting. In 
progress (9/12) (17/9)
The HyperK cvmfs ticket. This one is almost done, Catalin remarks that 
once he's happy he'll solve this ticket. The other cvmfs tickets (Sno+, 
cern@school, T2K) are also chugging along nicely. In progress (9/12)

LHCB problems transferring job results out of Sheffield. If progress has 
stalled could the ticket be On Held? Or if it's still chugging along can 
we get an update? In progress (27/11)

SUSSEX (26/11)
WN-glexec Nagios test failures. Daniela extended the ticket one more 
time on the 8th, it really could do with some love (as tickets can't be 
extended forever). In progress (3/12) (6/12)
This Nagios ticket (CADist-Check) looks like it can be closed, as 
Daniela reminds us the onus is on us to solve our tickets (in all senses 
of "solved"!). In progress (6/12)

QMUL (4/12)
Queen Mary's perfsonar latency box appears to be broken somehow, in a 
non-obvious way (from my observations, perfsonar's preferred way of 
breaking). Chris is looking at it, but might have to ask on the 
perfsonar list (I had forgotten that there was a perfsonar list). In 
progress (9/12)

There isn't much excitement on the Solved Case pile. The 
removal tickets were dealt with quickly by the UK Vomses Teamses. The 
lfc webdav ticket (91658) has been solved, with a read-only lfc ready to 
be prodded. And a number of sites have been solving their publishing 
problems - I found the RAL one quite interesting as it has the summary 
of what they did at RAL to get their publishing to work with Condor 
