

Is now up and running, and will be populated more over the coming weeks.<>

please note the old web site has been taken over by someone rather strange, and has nothing to do with us: so please do not click on it anymore and visit the new site a few times so it becomes visible on Google and the old domain dies.

Thanks to Jayne, Alex and Stefanie at the RGS for their work on this.

We could do with a volunteer to look after the web pages for us: its on wordpress managed at the RGS so simple to do and Stephanie can help, Any volunteers, please get back to me

Reminder for the away week end near Abergavenny next year, 23rd to 25th May: details and booking to come in the new year.


Peter North
Reader in Alternative Economies
Department of Geography and Planning
School for Environmental Sciences
University of Liverpool
0151 794 2849

Building the Low Carbon Economy on Merseyside

Local Money

Militant Liverpool: a city on the edge