Dear all,

I've updated the EMI2/SL6/third-party repository with the davix-*-0.2.6-1 packages, the previous version taken from EPEL.

Let me know if you see issues. My installation/update tests were ok.


On 12/3/13 8:48 PM, Cristina Aiftimiei wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
On 12/3/13 8:14 PM, Maarten Litmaath wrote:
Hi all,

Can you try a solution like this   :
- yum remove gridsite-libs
- disable all EMI repos
- yum install gridsite gridsite1.7-compat
- re-enable EMI repos
- install EMI ui or EMI wn

That recipe may provide helpful information, but we cannot propose this
as the solution for the WN, whose installations are done through fabric
management systems (for a UI this might be tolerable).

The EPEL package provides a compatibility layer for gridsite 1.7, it
should completely replace the need of the gridsite version of EMI in theory.

There are other EMI-2 products depending on particular GridSite rpms;
we would need to have them all tested with changed sets of rpms;
since EMI-2 is already in the security support phase, we do not want
to go through such a "re-certification" at this stage.  Instead,
I think we should discover what were the last installable versions
of the UI and the WN, and update the EMI-2 repos as needed so that
those versions will work out of the box...
as I mentioned  I have available the previous/last-installable versions of gfal packages.
Iwill do some testst these days to understand what is the minumum number of packages that shoud be put back in EMI 2 repos, for SL6. As there are no issues with the EMI-2/Sl5 version I will not touch those repos.
