

Dear all,

I've updated the EMI2/SL6/third-party repository with the 
davix-*-0.2.6-1 packages, the previous version taken from EPEL.

Let me know if you see issues. My installation/update tests were ok.


On 12/3/13 8:48 PM, Cristina Aiftimiei wrote:
> On 12/3/13 8:14 PM, Maarten Litmaath wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>> Can you try a solution like this   :
>>> - yum remove gridsite-libs
>>> - disable all EMI repos
>>> - yum install gridsite gridsite1.7-compat
>>> - re-enable EMI repos
>>> - install EMI ui or EMI wn
>> That recipe may provide helpful information, but we cannot propose this
>> as the solution for the WN, whose installations are done through fabric
>> management systems (for a UI this might be tolerable).
>>> The EPEL package provides a compatibility layer for gridsite 1.7, it
>>> should completely replace the need of the gridsite version of EMI in 
>>> theory.
>> There are other EMI-2 products depending on particular GridSite rpms;
>> we would need to have them all tested with changed sets of rpms;
>> since EMI-2 is already in the security support phase, we do not want
>> to go through such a "re-certification" at this stage.  Instead,
>> I think we should discover what were the last installable versions
>> of the UI and the WN, and update the EMI-2 repos as needed so that
>> those versions will work out of the box...
> as I mentioned  I have available the previous/last-installable 
> versions of gfal packages.
> Iwill do some testst these days to understand what is the minumum 
> number of packages that shoud be put back in EMI 2 repos, for SL6. As 
> there are no issues with the EMI-2/Sl5 version I will not touch those 
> repos.
> Cristina