

Hi Mike,
               Can you confirm you have a file named .filelist in the directory where you ran the melodic command?

Kind Regards

> Dear FSL Experts,
> I am new to FSL and am having trouble running Melodic.  I've successfully run a whole brain ICA on 48 subjects using the GUI and am now trying to run Melodic on masked regions (MTL, Parietal lobe). I want to run the masked ICA from the command line so that I do not need to register the images again. This is the code I used:
> melodic --approach=concat --in=.filelist --outdir=groupmelodic20a.ica --report --nobet --dim=20 --tr=2.907499 --bgimage=bg_image --mmthresh=0.5 --Ostats -- mask MTC2.nii.gz
> It seems like it is running, but no report comes up in the browser and no output directory is created. Sorry for the trivial question, any advice you have is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> best wishes,
> Mike