


With this option, there is not a single threshold to set. For a detailed explanation, see a previous post:

In general we don't recommend this, but if you want to constraint tracking by setting a specific FA threshold, then you can create a thresholded FA mask (e.g. using fslmaths) and use that as a brain mask in probtrackx.


On 18 Dec 2013, at 10:03, [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to ave some more information about the flag "use fractional 
> anisotropy to constrain track". in the FSL website I found only:
> "Use this option if you want the fractional anisotropic volumes (stored in 
> merged_f<i>samples) to influence the tractography. 
> The tracts stop if the anisotropy is lower than a random variable between 0 
> (low anisotropy) and 1 (high anisotropy)."
> But what is the value of this random variable and is there a way to set or 
> change it?
> In what cases is it suggested to use this option?
> Thanks,
> Marica.