

Hi Elena,

I usually work more with structural than functional analyses, so probably some other people on this list are better qualified to correct me and/or point to specific pipelines, etc. However, usually I think you would want to co-register the subject functional to the subject anatomical (i.e., opposite of first line) because FLIRT tends to work better with a hi-res image as the reference. You can always invert the matrix with convert_xfm to get the transform to go the other way. 

Then, I'm not sure what your images are filename-wise, but you would want to use the subject anatomical image (not the functional image) to co-register to MNI space. To ultimately get the subject functional into MNI space, you can use convert_xfm to combine the transforms.

So, overall, I think you'd want to do something like the following:

> flirt -in SUBJ_CENTRAL_FUNC_IMAGE -ref SUBJ_ANAT_IMAGE -out F2S -omat F2S.mat -dof 6
> flirt -in SUBJ_ANAT_IMAGE -ref MNI_2mm_Template -out SA2T -omat SA2T.mat
> convert_xfm -omat SF2T.mat -concat SA2T.mat F2S.mat
> flirt -in SUBJ_CENTRAL_FUNC_IMAGE -ref MNI_2mm_Template -out SF2T -applyxfm -init SF2T.mat

That being said, you should probably use the BBR cost function for FLIRT in the first step if your functional data is EPI ( Someone else would have to help with the specifics of that, though.

All the best,

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Elena Kalinina <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Michael,
thanks a lot for your response! I tried to put the dof option on the first line and deleted it from the second, like:

flirt -in SUBJ_ANAT_IMAGE  -ref $SUBJ_CENTRAL_FUNC_IMAGE -out S2F_Filename -dof 6

flirt -in S2F_Filename -ref MNI_2mm_Template -out S2F2T_Filename -omat  str2func2templ.mat

but in this case the second coregistration goes all distorted (see attachment) and as a consequence also the functional to template. Can you help? Thanks!


Michael G. Dwyer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Director of Technical Imaging Development
Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center
University at Buffalo
100 High St. Buffalo NY 14203
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(716) 859-7065