

Interesting, but it seems a little unlikely to me for a stream-name or  
river-name in Britain to be Germanic.


On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 12:19:09 -0000, Tom Ikins <[log in to unmask]>  

> Lipscomb might contain a lost stream-name Lupia as in Lippe. There is  
> also the lost name Lipping Le, ERN 256. Lipwood in Northumberland where  
> Honeycrook Burn is the stream and Ravennas *Lupocoria Stanegate fortlet  
> recorded as Lopocarium next Corie (Coria) Corbridge. Also, Faliliev  
> Lupodunum/Lupodunum Ladenburg.
> ---- Keith Briggs <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> If DEPN is correct, we might have a chance of explaining the surname  
>> Lipscomb as arising from a confusion of plosives in a place-name  
>> starting /litʃ/-.   If not, where does the surname come from?  (It has  
>> a Surrey-Sussex-Kent distribution.)
>> Keith
> Tom Ikins

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