

Reminder and apologies for cross-posting.

Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting a paper to my stream 18: 'Equality and diversity expertise, skills, values and knowledge of teachers, lecturers and those who support learning' for the:

7th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference
8-10 June, 2014, Technische Universität München, Munich (Germany)

Call for Papers

Conference Theme
Organizing Inclusion: Beyond Privileges and Discrimination

Deadline for the submission of papers: January 15, 2014

The EDI Conference seeks to provide an international, inter- and transdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas in the field of equality, diversity and inclusion in the world of work. The conference welcomes participation by academics, policy makers, and practitioners. We invite academic papers which make empirical, theoretical or methodological contributions, to be presented in academic streams, as well as experiences of policy makers and practitioners, which can be presented in (pre-conference) workshops or other formats (e.g. round table discussions) as well as – if the stream permits – in the relevant streams. Proposals concerning practitioner formats should be sent to laura.dobusch[at]
Associated to this conference are: the British Journal of Management; Cross-Cultural Management: an International Journal; Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: an International Journal; the European Journal of Industrial Relations. Pre-selected best papers of the conference will be submitted to these journals, which will process them according to their usual standards.

Submission process
All submissions to the EDI conference are original pieces which have not been published in books or journals, or a paper presented in a past conference, not published elsewhere, and seeking additional comments prior to journal submission.
Proceedings of all accepted papers will be published on a memory drive, which will be distributed to delegates on the first day of the conference. Unless authors express a written objection to publishing their papers, we will consider the submission of papers as consent for publication in this electronic form. Please note that stream chairs may also have other publication plans. Please consult them for further information.

You need to register online before you can submit a paper or contribution to a workshop. Once registered, go to 'My Conference Area' and click on 'submit a paper'. Note that the payment of the conference fee is not necessary during the registration process, although it will have to be made before attending.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The EDI Conference Committee does not issue official invites to the conference. Stream leaders will send invites to the authors of accepted manuscripts and abstracts. Participants who do not have accepted papers in the programme, can also attend the conference subject to paying the respective conference fee. In order to access the conference fee information, please register through the registration section on the left pane of the web page.

Submission of papers
The EDI Conference welcomes two forms of paper submissions to regular streams. Please process your registration and paper submission online without exception. Please consult the EDI submission guidelines online for information on the formatting of papers.
Developmental papers: These should be approximately 3000-5000 words, including references. This form of submission is suited for more developed ideas, initiatives and research projects.
Full papers: These are longer contributions of less than 10.000 words including references. This form of submission is more suited for completed research projects, policy and practice interventions.
Some stream chairs may allow for an extended abstract (300 to 500 words) for the January 15, 2014 deadline. However, acceptance will be subjected to submitting at least a developmental paper in time for the second round of reviews by April 15. Please check the possibility of sending an extended abstract with the relevant stream chair before doing so.
Paper presentations at the conference will be a maximum of 20 minutes long, with 10 minutes for questions and discussion. If stream chairs want or allow a different format, they will let you know personally. Video projectors will be available in each conference room.

Submission of contribution proposals for (pre-)conference workshops
Proposals of contributions to pre-conference workshops can be less formal, requiring a short description or abstract of only 250 to 500 words, again to be submitted online to the relevant workshop.

Best wishes,

Dr Christine Nightingale
Head of Equality and Diversity, POD

T: +44 (0) 116 250 6436
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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