

*Call for Papers – for Law and Geography session at the 2014 RGS Annual
Conference, London 26-29 August 2014*

*Session title: Legal Geography: Moving Forward with Methods &

*“Our relationships, social bonds, would be airy as clouds were there only
contracts between subjects… the object… stabilizes our relationships… makes
our history slow.”* (Michel Serres, 1995: 87)

This legal geography stream proceeds from the assumption (which appears to
be widely accepted, though critiques are always welcome) that space,
society and law are at a nexus, that they are co-constituted. Legal
geography has, in other words, been ‘born’. Given this assumption, the
stream aims to consider how the cross-discipline is being applied and
extended, presenting papers that identify new and ongoing lines of
spatio-legal inquiry, research and theory.

In particular we are interested in the following questions:

• Engaging with the RGS IBG 2014 Conference theme, how does legal geography
engage with practices and theories of co-production? How are places and
spaces legally and socio-spatially co-produced?

• What is the role here for imagination? Can spatio-legal imaginations
underpin decision-making, even if they are often out of view? How do
‘imaginative geographies’ mesh with legal provisions and practices? How
does ‘space talk’ work in legal decision-making?

• What are the relationships between legal understandings of representation
and geographical theories of non-representation? How do legal orderings
depend on affective attitudes (Weber) or embodiment? How can
non-representative understandings operate in legal processes, which have
their own formulations of ‘representation’?

• How is the spatio-legal implicated in processes of managing objects – of
‘how matter is made to matter’ (Barad 2003)? How does it frame and marshal
the arrangement of things in space? How is the spatio-materiality of law
experienced by human (and other) subjects? How is law translated (Latour,
2005) into flows of matter and the resulting assemblages of materials that
form buildings, streets and the urban landscape?

• How do legal discourse and practices contribute to the making and
controlling of spaces at multiple scales? What are the relationships
between scale and jurisdiction or between territory, jurisdiction and

• How do legal discourses or practices operate to create ‘geographies of
(in)justice’? How can legal processes of place-making be critiqued through
the lenses of critical geography and progressive urbanism or rurality?

• Are gender, heteronormativity or race embedded in legal geographical
processes? How do relationships of power take legal geographical form?

• What are the dangers of conflating law and geography? What methodological
problems will be encountered? What claims to knowledge and validity can
such hybrid analysis of law and geography claim?

In each of the above we welcome analyses that consider prospective,
contemporary and/or historical experiences of legal geography, bringing
hybrid law/geography tools and techniques to bear on past, present or
future events or understandings.

We hope these questions stimulate debate but they are not intended to be
exclusionary in any way. Any paper that engages, critiques or dismisses
legal geography would be very welcome.

Please send a proposed abstract of 200-300 words, together with a title to
the paper to Luke Bennett (Sheffield Hallam University,[log in to unmask])
or Antonia Layard (University of Bristol, from 1st January 2014,
[log in to unmask]) by *20th February, 2014*.