

Artificial Beings for Art Exploration and Creation

Time Beings are a population of creator artificial beings. They take various forms of elementary corpuscles, according to various types of artwork (pixel, frame, vertex, note, word). They operate on the basis of quantum properties and can travel in space-time works of art. Their purpose is artistic exploration and/or creation. Relying specifically on computation of superposition states with Qubits and rules of Quantum Cellular Automata, Time Beings open new ways for artistic creation. They offer an innovative method for Artistic Time Travel, with scaling in the image space, film space, object space, score space and paper space.

Alain Lioret is a Generative Artist and an Associate Professor at “Arts et Technologies de l’Image” (University Paris 8, France) within laboratory INREV (Digital images and Virtual Reality). He has working for several years on research on the applications of the artificial life and the artificial intelligence (connexionism, evolutionism, cellular automata) in the artistic field. Author of the books "Emergence de Nouvelles Esthétiques du Mouvement", and “L'Art Génératif”. Specialist with research & development (innovative techniques in 3D animation, use of dynamics, etc), he takes part in many projects (virtual actors, Attitude Studio R&D, etc.). Alain Lioret works on arts of being’s movement and the artificial life, using techniques with biological inspiration: neural networks, genetic algorithms and programming, fractals, simulations of crowd, etc.

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Alain Lioret : Tuesday December 17th 6.00-7.30pm

Ben Pimlott lecture theatre Goldsmiths

Nearest Tubes: New Cross Gate or New Cross