

Check out some of Prynne’s earlier works (Brass, The Kitchen Poems) & you’ll see the Olson attraction — but the later work does indeed not visibly connect with Olson’s. You could say the same thing for Prynne’s long association with Ed Dorn. 

On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:30 PM, jesse <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

What I find strange about these conversations about Prynne is that he began as a devotee of Olson--Cid Corman introduced them.  In what way did Olson influence Prynne--was it solely the projective verse thing, or does Prynne's work itself--maybe we're talking about the earliest--relect Olson's manner of writing, stance toward subject, etc.?  Nobody mentions this connection. Jess

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