

Greetings Zooarchers,
I've been working for some time on a paper for the identification of amphibian skeletal elements to species level – particularly the urostyle and ilium.
It has been accepted for publication (and I hope to make it available for forum members who are interested) but at the moment  I am slightly unhappy about the tiny number of agile frog Rana dalmatina (agile frog) skeletons I was able to source, measure and photograph. For example, I have worked on 45 pool frog skeletons with only four R. dalmatina. Those at the British Natural History Museum, for example, were mainly glued together and of little use for all-round photography of the single bones.
In the meantime it would be helpful to know of anyone, or organisation, that may have Rana dalmatina material. It should be of interest to many people as it has already turned up a couple times in remains dated to Saxon times. This of course, is of great interest as it is no longer an extant native species in the UK. Worse still, researchers are not expecting it and it can get overlooked and labelled as yet another common frog.
I could also use any photographs of the ilium taken laterally, but is more especially, views of the posterior end (towards the acetabulum, more particularly the junctura ilioschiadica), if these exist (I have photographs of one ilium of this species from the zooarchaeologist Chris Gleed-Owen already, I must add). 
Any material that could be loaned out will returned promptly and would be most helpful and greatly appreciated.
Charles Snell