Dear all,


In conjunction with the HEA STEM (Computing) I am running a workshop on Learning Technologies here at Hull, and one of the themes is technology such as WebPA.
This is open to colleagues across any discipline,  so you may like to consider submitting and/or attending the workshop.


Also, as we have not had a WebPA SiG for a while, it seems timely to look at organising one in the New Year.  We could coordinate this with the workshop, with a short SiG immediately after the workshop (say 4pm to 5:30pm), or on one of the days either side of this. Email me direct ([log in to unmask]) with views and ideas, and I’ll collate these and send out a suggestion or set up a poll on when/where to schedule the next SIG.





HEA STEM Computing Workshop: Learning Technologies 2013


Join in our Workshop

In collaboration with the Higher Education Academy STEM (Computing), this one day workshop for, and by,

Computer Science practitioners and other educators will take place at the University of Hull on Wednesday 26th March 2013:


We welcome contributions on the following sub-themes

-          Innovative approaches to teaching and assessing large classes (use of social technologies and peer assessment, such as WebPA);

-          Giving effective feedback (possibly through peer feedback and assessment);

-          Encouraging and enabling peer mentoring through social media;

-          The impact of social media on teaching and learning

Other examples of applying technology to teaching, learning and assessment in computer science and other disciplines are also appreciated.


This event continues the sequence of successful workshops held at Greenwich, under the general theme of learning technologies, with a special focus on social computing and learning, but is open to wider Learning Technologies in Computing and beyond.


Participation in the workshop is open to all interested parties by registering for the workshop via the HEA web site  

Attendance costs £50 for delegates from HEA subscribing institutions, £100 otherwise.


Participants are invited to submit papers (position papers, research or proposals) as well as posters of on-going work.


Abstracts for papers (maximum of 500 words) should be submitted, preferably in Word or PDF format to

[log in to unmask].  Contributors of selected abstracts will be contacted and asked to submit posters or position papers in

full and to present these at the workshop.

Papers and posters will be published in the ISBN reference proceedings.

General enquiries can be directed to Neil Gordon [log in to unmask]  and Karen Fraser [log in to unmask]


Important dates:

18th November 2013       Call for participation

6th January 2014              Deadline for receipt of abstracts

27th January 2014            Deadline for responding to abstract contributors requesting full posters or papers

3rd March 2014                  Deadline for receipt of posters or full papers

10 March 2014                   Deadline for conference registration