

No.  The documentation is correct.  The information needed to warp the c1,
c2 etc images is available within the u_rc1*.nii files.  You could use the
toolbox to warp the rc1, rc2 etc, but these are generally lower resolution,
leading to a few more aliasing artifacts in the warped data.

Best regards,

On 12 November 2013 19:49, Xu, Ben (NIH/NINDS) [E] <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

>  Hi,
> This question may have already been asked, but I couldn't locate it in the
> spm message archives.
> In the spm8 manual on "Using Dartel tools-->Normalize to MNI Space,"
> it says to select the "c1" and or "c2" images from the previous step.
> Shouldn't it be the "rc1...rc2" images, instead (since the flow field file
> is "u_rc1...")?
> Thanks for your help.
> Ben