

Message from the MIST mailing list.

Dear MIST colleagues,

My thanks to everyone who has commented on the proposal about future MIST meetings (my email of 2 October). We received a lot of comments (around 30) from people at all levels in the MIST community, and also some helpful comments from our colleagues in UKSP. We (MIST Council) have taken some time to digest these and have discussed in detail at telecon on Tuesday 30 October.

There are two clear conclusions:

1.	As we anticipated, there is strong support for continuing MIST involvement in the RAS National Astronomy Meeting, where we can maintain and build cross-disciplinary links with other parts of the astronomy community (e.g. solar physics and planetary science) and maintain the profile of MIST in the STFC-funded community. So MIST is well-engaged with the planning for NAM 2014 (with representatives on both the SOC and LOC) and we also look forward to a strong engagement with NAM 2015.

2.	But there is also strong support for a short residential MIST meeting that complements NAM - that encourages links between the NERC- and STFC-funded elements of our science and that strengthens our sense of community. As we previously noted, the timing of NAM 2014 in summer 2014 means that we can experiment with a meeting in the spring. So we will work with our colleagues in Bath to organise a meeting in their city in the week before Easter 2014 (which allows us to avoid conflict with EGU and with US Space Weather Week). 

We will ask the MIST community to review our 2014 experiment, so that the next MIST Council can decide whether to proceed with similar meetings, perhaps in 2016.

Best wishes,

On behalf of MIST Council: Mike Hapgood (Chair), Emma Woodfield, Rob Fear, Mario Bisi, Ian McCrea
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