Dear all,


We would like to encourage you to submit your contributions to our session at the next EGU2014 (Vienna, 27 April – 02 May):


Session TS3.1/EMRP4.3/GD7.6
Ductile deformation: fabrics, fluid-rock interaction and metamorphic conditions (co-sponsored by the AGU-Tectonophysics section)


Link to the session description:


We encourage contributions exploring the role of deformation mechanisms and microstructural evolution on the rheology of the continental and oceanic lithosphere, as well as the effect of hydration and dehydration processes on the mechanical behaviour and deformation style of the “ductile” crust. Much interest is expected also in accurate estimate of P, T, fluids conditions of ductile deformation and in linking them to microstructural and rheological evolution.


Confirmed invited speakers are:


Håkon Austrheim (Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway)

Lars Hansen (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, UK)


Deadline for support application: 29 November (only 2 days left!!)

Deadline for abstract submission: 16 January 2014


Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!


Best wishes,


Luca, Michael, Rick and Giorgio




Luca Menegon

Lecturer in Structural Geology and Tectonics

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Plymouth University

Drake Circus

PL4 8AA Plymouth

United Kingdom


Fitzroy Building, room 119b

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