

Call for paper to Symposium in Sweden 3-5 June, 2014:
Transitional green entrepreneurs: Rethinking ecopreneurship 

Today’s environmental and economic debate places great emphasis on the need to direct society’s consumption and production patterns toward sustainability. In response to this challenge, high expectations have been placed on various forms of green, environmental or sustainable entrepreneurship, and so-called ecopreneurs, whose business models are guided by a vision to make a positive difference regarding environmental problems. In this symposium organized by Umeå University we will scrutinize the possibilities of transitional green entrepreneur’s and map possible paths ahead. The purpose is to advance ecopreneurship research by sharing where theory and practice is heading, and reflect upon the history of these developments.

We are looking for theoretically innovative and empirically strong papers to be presented in a creative, friendly and progressive academic venue. Papers in areas of transport, clothing, housing, renewables, food, and health are of special interest. You are invited to explore, but not be limited to: Re-conceptualisations of green entrepreneurship; Ecopreneurship, CSR, and Corporate Irresponsibility; Indigenous Communities and Ecopreneurship; Sustainable business as Social Innovation; Resilience and environmental entrepreneurship; Permaculture as green entrepreneurship; Blue Economy; De-growth; Sharing economy; Ecopreneurship and sustainability transitions.
The symposium will take place 3-5 of June 2014 in the vicinity of European Cultural City of Umeå offering natural beauty, twenty-four hours of daylight and ecopreneurship in practice. A number of challenging talks will be held by keynotes; paper presentations, walk talks and rhizome dialogues will be intertwined in the venue. Preliminary keynotes are Robert A. Isaak, Anne de Bruin, Günter Pauli and Torbjörn Lahti: The symposium will be free of charge including transport from Umeå, food and accommodation. It will be held at Kerstins Udde an environmentally conscious spa facility acknowledged as Natures Best.

Submit an extended abstract of 1500-2000 words as Word document including references to relevant theory, research methodology where appropriate, findings, and conclusions before 31 December 2013 to [log in to unmask] On your extended abstract also include title, authors and contact details. The abstract should be accompanied with a short CV and a presentation of your current research.

All accepted papers will be discussed at length at the symposium. Full papers of no more than 6000 words should be sent by 1 April 2014. All accepted papers will have the chance of being included in a Special Issue in Small Enterprise Research