Matrices: "Most amazing resource ... a godsend"
The words of Claire Brown of Drink and Drugs News (DDN) introducing a feature on the Matrices developed by Drug and Alcohol Findings for the Substance Misuse Skills Consortium: "The Matrices, with their wealth of free information, offer must-read documents that will help you understand the evidence base for whatever area of addiction treatment you work in – a godsend for practitioners and commissioners. Dip in and take a look – the links are all there for you to benefit from the largest live drug and alcohol library in Britain."

A major technical update means the 25 cells in the each of the two treatment matrices offer more options to the user and can be retrieved like any other documents by searching the Effectiveness Bank. See the
Alcohol Matrix for alcohol brief interventions and treatment;
Drug Matrix for harm reduction and treatment in relation to illegal drugs.

Matrix Bites start next week
Next week together with the Skills Consortium we will start a weekly cell-by-cell introduction to the Matrices. These bite-size modules will cumulate in to a year-long foundation course on the evidence base for addiction treatment, harm reduction and brief interventions. Look out for the Matrix Bites each Wednesday from the Effectiveness Bank mailing list and concurrently from the Skills Consortium. Use them to train your staff, for your own professional development, as a discussion starter in meetings, or just help you appreciate the revelations made by the seminal and key studies of the past 50+ years. To receive these mailings sign up to the Effectiveness Bank's free update service.

More ways to appreciate the Matrices
The DDN article "Into the matrix".
"The treatment matrix" in DrugScope's Druglink magazine September/October 2013.
The FEAD video of the developer presenting the Matrices.
The slide presentation featured in that video.
A simple animated visual description of the Matrices.