

Testbed Support for GridPP member institutes [mailto:TB-
> [log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Matt Doidge said:
> Minutes uploaded.

As a comment on the glue validation test, at a quick look I think most of the errors are from two causes. One is obsolete entries - the objects have a creation timestamp and you get an error if it's too old. There was a bug that caused BDIIs to keep old entries, but it's supposed to be fixed so if the problem is persisting maybe there's another cause. Anyway restarting the resource or site BDII should clear the error. (Maybe also worth saying that top BDIIs cache their information so older objects are acceptable there.)

The other thing is the very long-standing "444444 waiting jobs" error which means that the dynamic provider for the batch system information is failing. Most sites have probably had ad-hoc tickets for that in the past (Sheffield has one now IIRC) but this is the first time it's had a nagios alarm.


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