You told the program to only analyze voxels that contain data from all subjects: I.DoOnlyAll = 1;

If you change it to 0, then it should run without the error message. However, its somewhat alarming that you don't have overlap from all subjects. Have you checked that the first-level maps contain data from all subjects in the majority of the brain?

Best Regards, Donald McLaren
D.G. McLaren, Ph.D.
Research Fellow, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, GRECC, Bedford VA
Office: (773) 406-2464
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On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Muhammad Adeel Parvaz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Donalad and other SPMers,

I have updated the GLMFlex from 2012-12-10 to 2013-09-09, and now when I run a ANOVA with a between-subject (Controls versus clinical group) and a within-subject (time 1 vs time 2). I have setup the script as

clear IN; clear F; clear I;
IN.N_subs = [19 12];
IN.Between = [1 2];  
IN.BetweenLabs = {{'All'} {'Clinical', 'Controls'}};
IN.Within = [2];
IN.WithinLabs = {'Time1' 'Time2'};
IN.FactorLabs = {'F1' 'F2'};
IN.Interactions = {[2 3]};
IN.EqualVar = [1 0 0];
IN.Independent = [1 1 0];

F = CreateDesign(IN);

figure(20); imagesc(F.XX); shg

I.OutputDir = pwd;
I.F = F;
I.Scans = Scans;
I.RemoveOutliers = 0;
I.minN = 2;
I.DoOnlyAll = 1;

I = GLM_Flex(I); 

I.Cons(1).name = 'All';
I.Cons(1).Groups = {1};
I.Cons(1).Levs = [1];
I.Cons(1).ET = [];
I.Cons(1).mean = 0;

I.Cons(2).name = 'Group Effect';
I.Cons(2).Groups = {2 3};
I.Cons(2).Levs = [2];
I.Cons(2).ET = [];
I.Cons(2).mean = 0;

I.Cons(3).name = 'Time Effect';
I.Cons(3).Groups = {4 5};
I.Cons(3).Levs = [2];
I.Cons(3).ET = [];
I.Cons(3).mean = 0;

I.Cons(4).name = 'Group by Time';
I.Cons(4).Groups = {6 7 8 9};
I.Cons(4).Levs = [2 2];
I.Cons(4).ET = [];
I.Cons(4).mean = 0;

I = GLM_Flex_Contrasts(I);

Now when I run the script, I get the following error:

>> GLMFlex_script
Finished Creating Factor Matrix
Finished Creating Main Effects
Finished Creating Two Way Interactions
Finished Creating Three Way Interactions
Finished Creating Four Way Interactions
Finished Creating Design Matrix.
Finished Other Stuff.
Reading In Image Files:

Processing Set #62No go
Error using GLM_Flex (line 556)
Something went wrong.  No voxels were anlyzed.  This is most commonly cause by a mis-specified I.minN or a problem with performing the
variance/covariance correction

Error in GLMFlex_script (line 28)
I = GLM_Flex(I);

I am not sure what exactly is I.minN is doing and what value should I assign to it.
