Dr. Theodore Beauchaine at the Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University invites applications for a post-doctoral researcher in the neuroscience of developmental psychopathology, to begin in spring or summer of 2014, or sooner if a suitable candidate applies. Primary responsibilities include planning, executing, analyzing, and co-authoring papers from fMRI studies with children, adolescents, and young adults who are affected by mood disorders and/or externalizing spectrum disorders. The Department of Psychology houses the Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging, which has a recently commissioned Siemens 3T Trio MRI Total Imaging Matrix (TIM) system with all the necessary equipment to perform structural and functional imaging studies.


The postdoc will receive training in mentoring and supervising students, managing a research team, teaching seminars, grant-writing, and authoring scientific papers. The position affords considerable opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration with Psychiatry and other departments across campus, and for publication of papers from existing data. Applicants must have substantial experience with analyzing imaging data, a Ph.D. in neuroscience, psychology, or a related field by the start date, and strong potential for a career in research.


Starting salary will be $42,000 + benefits, including professional travel. Columbus is a vibrant community of 1.8 million people with diverse cultural, sports, dining, and recreational opportunities (see www.experiencecolumbus.org). Cost-of-living is low. Apply online at http://jobs.osu.edu/ and refer to job number 378879 . Along with application, please submit a  letter of interest, your CV, and 3 letters of reference. The application deadline is January 24, 2014.

Colin L. Sauder, M.S.
Doctoral Candidate
Interim Assistant Director
Krasner Psychological Center
Department of Psychology
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2520
Phone:  (631) 306-4096
Fax:  (631) 632-4632
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