

Hi SPM users:

 I'm doing some functions to create some parametric images, but I have problems when writing them.
 I use spm_create_vol.m function to create a header similar to the PET study with which I work, but when I write with spm_write_vol.m the values ​​are truncated, ie, integers appear instead of doubles.
 I think the question is what values ​​should be put in pinfo. I put [1, 0, 0] (the scale factor is one, I have certain values ​​and those I want be reflected). However, if used as a header for example, the last frame of my study PET, where pinfo is [0.001387, 0, 0] (and do not understand why this is so) I have no problem, are double values.

 I hope you can help me.
 Thank you.

PD: sorry, I sent the same mail with other issue.