

Dear Mahmoud,
attached a MATLAB script I found somewhere on the internet to read these values from the Siemens rda files. MRSI rda files are automatically generated during the MRSI acquisition and should be saved apart (they are not transferred to DICOM server).
I used this script on a home made software to segment MRSI voxels and it worked perfectly. Hope it doesn't depend on the Siemens software version


El 03/10/2013, a les 16:01, Mahmoud <[log in to unmask]> va escriure:

> Dear FSL users,
> I have some MRSI data from a Siemens 3T (verio) and I should know the coordinates of the ROI used for MRSI. Does anyone know how to get this information out from Siemens DICOM files ?
> Thank you,

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