

Hi Everyone,

This is an exciting new piece of innovative research about Psychologist's perceptions of sexual desire and fantasy. You will be given two scenarios and asked to write what happens next. It only takes 20-25min to complete and participation is completely anonymous. For more information and to participate follow the link below: 

This research ties into the wider debate how sex should be managed in the therapeutic space. A recent NHS campaign "Sex. Worth talking about" (2009) is urging patients to take their concerns regrading sexual functioning to their treating clinician. Indeed, talking about sexual concerns should be a routine component of clinicians' interaction with clients as most psychotropic medication affects sexual function and many mental health difficulties affect clients' ability to be intimate. Clinicians should be able to create environments where clients feel comfortable discussing their concerns even if they are sexual in nature. However clinicians remain to struggle to address their client's sexual concerns which comes hardly as a surprise as training about sexual issues remains to be largely side lined in most therapeutic training courses and sexual difficulties remain to be seen as the specialism of sex therapists.
As Psychologists and therapists we need to move clinical practice forward and seek to overcome social barriers in therapeutic practice. This research is examining how sex is managed by therapist and what this says about our profession.

Thank you very much for your participation

Iduna Shah-Beckley
Counselling Psychologist (in Training)
Department of Psychology
University of the West of England