


I am writing again because I haven't got a reply to my query from 7th October.

I'd appreciate some help this time...

I ran a GLM in which I entered three base regressors (Outcome, Feedback, Choice) and thee regressors modulated by demeaned parametric modulator value (Outcome-mod, Feedback-mod, Choice-mod). With only one subject (out of 20) I am experiencing a problem with registering example_func to both highres and standard, while registering highres to standard works fine. In particular, I get the following error in the log:

/usr/local/fsl-5/bin/epi_reg: line 311: 19723 Aborted                 $FSLDIR/bin/fast -o ${vout}_fast ${vrefbrain}
Cannot open volume example_func2highres_fast_pve_2 for reading!
Cannot open volume example_func2highres_fast_wmseg for reading!
/usr/local/fsl-5/bin/epi_reg: line 325: 20093 Aborted                 $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -ref ${vrefbrain} -in ${vepi} -dof 6 -omat ${vout}_init.mat
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image example_func2highres_fast_wmseg
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'
/usr/local/fsl-5/bin/epi_reg: line 377: 20160 Aborted                 $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -ref ${vrefhead} -in ${vepi} -dof 6 -cost bbr -wmseg ${vout}_fast_wmseg -init ${vout}_init.mat -omat ${vout}.mat -out ${vout} -schedule ${FSLDIR}/etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch
Could not open matrix file example_func2highres.mat
/usr/local/fsl-5/bin/epi_reg: line 377: 20161 Segmentation fault      $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${vepi} -r ${vrefhead} -o ${vout} --premat=${vout}.mat --interp=spline
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image example_func2highres

 Cannot open sla.png for reading
sh: line 1: 20317 Segmentation fault      /usr/local/fsl-5/bin/pngappend sla.png + slb.png + slc.png + sld.png + sle.png + slf.png + slg.png + slh.png + sli.png + slj.png + slk.png + sll.png example_func2highres1.png

 Cannot open example_func2highres1.png for reading
sh: line 1: 20320 Segmentation fault      /usr/local/fsl-5/bin/pngappend example_func2highres1.png - example_func2highres2.png example_func2highres.png
/bin/rm: cannot remove ‘example_func2highres1.png’: No such file or directory
Could not open matrix file example_func2highres.mat
Cannot read input-matrix
Unrecognised option -
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image example_func2standard

 Cannot open sla.png for reading
sh: line 1: 21206 Segmentation fault      /usr/local/fsl-5/bin/pngappend sla.png + slb.png + slc.png + sld.png + sle.png + slf.png + slg.png + slh.png + sli.png + slj.png + slk.png + sll.png example_func2standard1.png

 Cannot open example_func2standard1.png for reading
sh: line 1: 21211 Segmentation fault      /usr/local/fsl-5/bin/pngappend example_func2standard1.png - example_func2standard2.png example_func2standard.png

Of note, I ran numerous analyses on the same sample of subjects (including parametric modulator with more regressors) and never experienced this problem before. The registration for the remaining 19 subjects works fine.

Your help is greatly appreciated
Thanks very much