

Dear all,

I'm using the new FSL5 distortion correction tools TOPUP/EDDY and I'm really impressed by these tools! However I'm getting a strange error using EDDY with my data I cannot understand or track - It's a segmentation error. I now try to explain as good as possible what happens:

Command (the link to the corresponding data is further down):
eddy --imain=all_images --mask=unwarped_T2_fw_brain_mask --acqp=acqparams.txt --index=index.txt --bvecs=bvec.txt --bvals=bval.txt --topup=my_topup_results --out=eddy_corrected_data -verbose

Eddy reports:
Reading images
Loading prediction maker
Evaluating prediction maker model
ERROR:: Empty mask image
Calculating parameter updates
Segmentation fault

I'm not sure what the Error "Empty mask image" means. However later on I get the segmentation fault - I'm not fully sure if there is something wrong with my txt files, which causes this error (I don't think so).

Hardware environment:
OS: Neuro Debian in a virtual machine
Ram: 10gb (for the virtual machine), it should be enough, I monitored it in Linux and there wasn't a problem
CPU: Core I7

If there is more information about the hardware needed - I will send it.

Diffusion acquisition scheme:
150 DWIs, undersampled DSI, covering whole sphere, angular and radial, bmax 3000


This is the folder, containing all files when I run eddy and get the error:

If you could help me or tell me how I can debug errors like that would be really great.

Thank you so much
