

Apologies for cross-posting. Please find below information about our forthcoming seminar series. We are particularly keen to welcome people for the book launch of Chantal Mouffe's Agonistics (details below).


Department of Politics and International Relations Seminars
University of Westminster
4-6pm, Westminster Forum, 5th floor Wells Street, W1T 3UW (unless otherwise stated)


Sean Molloy (University of Kent)
Kant's Political Theology and Why it Matters


Alex Prichard (University of Exeter)
Anarchism and Non-Domination


Sophie Richter-Devroe (University of Exeter)
How Women Do Politics: Peacebuilding, Resistance and Survival in Palestine

12 November

5.30 -7pm
Phoebe Moore-Carter (Middlesex University)
Cognitive Capitalism and the Quantified Self

19 November

Patricia Owens (University of Sussex)
War as Oikonomy by Other Means

26 November

4 – 5pm
Hannah Cross (University of Westminster)
Migrant Labour, The Global Remittance Agenda and Financialisation: Market-Building as Development

Book Launch: Chantal Mouffe Agonistics


Meryl Kenny (University of Leicester)
The State of Australian Democracy: Sex, Gender and the 2013 Federal Election

Dr Thomas Moore
Faculty Director (Learning and Teaching) | Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Principal Lecturer in International Relations | Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street (Room 517, extension 68920)
London, United Kingdom, W1T 2UW

The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office: 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW.

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