

 From "Just Food" Research update # 191

"Chocolate confectionery in Egypt 
This report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the chocolate confectionery market at a national level in Egypt. It shows how there is a general increase in snacking, since consumers are eating more confectionery as an emotional release from the worries and frustrations of the recent uprising, and the continuing frustrations of Egypt's transition."

Meanwhile if you look at the obesity/ diabetes stastics for the world, Syria has one of the highest rates - presumably requiring a degree of medical care, insulin availability, that is probably somewhat compromised right now, including in the vast refugee camps just outside Syria.

So in 2 of the countries most destabilised by the Arab Spring, there must be severe and developing health issues....anyone else know more about this?


Dr Hillary J. Shaw
 Director and Senior Research Consultant
Shaw Food Solutions
TF10 8NB