

Call me a conspiracy theorist but this just smacks of a deliberate agenda to 'not' ratifying the Kyoto Protocol to enable climate change to continue to allow ice sheets to melt thus allowing full scale exploitation of mineral resources previously inaccessible due to ice cover.
The US knew there were mineral reserves in the frozen North. So did a lot of other nations. However the sheer scale of this new opportunity cannot have been something that just happened to become available. I firmly believe that this was allowed to happen by simply allowing the climate to further heat up and remove more ice and obstacles.
Nowt like a good healthy dose of suicidal greed to get the old speculators juices flowing now is there?

Open access to ice free shipping lanes. Ice free oceans also allow access to ice free drilling for oil. Ice free tundra allowing more on shore mineral exploitation, especially of copper (Pebble Mill in Canada) and in this particular development, uranium in Greenland. If you play chess you will note a lot of the moves and political maneuvering have been deliberately taking us closer to the edge of climate collapse yet to be honest most would say that its purely greed for more wealth in the guise of sustainable economic growth. I personally see it as something much, much worse. 
DU weapons anyone? Global dominance? World Police?  Its all relative. As nations in vulnerable regions struggle to feed and shelter themselves so those with the means to exploit that unfair advantage will do so. Need I say more?

Now here is a question for you to mull over.
Which nation spends most on military weapons for their own use?
You all know the answer to that.
Happy mineral hunting....spring is incoming where once winter dominated all year round. So is war.