

Dear Cloud-SIG,

Following up from Neil's mail about the new arrangements for the SIG, this is to confirm that we are holding a workshop on 28-29 November at the Crick Institute in central London.  It will be run as two half days - the afternoon of the 28th and the morning of the 29th.  

We have a SIG committee who are organising this event and other SIG activities under its new guise.  This has membership drawn from across the research community and with representation from industry also.  - My own interest area is Earth Observation and Climate Science.  I'm based at Rutherford Appleton lab and am involved in JASMIN and CEMS, data analysis facilities which are providing cloud-based services to their user communities.  

We're holding this initial meeting to bring together members of the UK research community, share our terms of reference and plan out future activities for the SIG.  We've invited a range of speakers, from representatives from public cloud providers, to those involved in deploying private clouds, to individual users making use of cloud resources for their research needs. 

There will be a website for managing bookings and with details of the agenda and logistics.  More details to follow.
