

Dear All,

I would like to report two problems we encountered repeatedly over the last couple months with the format converter Export feature of Ccpnmr, hoping that someone might be willing to take a look and provide a fix.

We have observed that format converter, specifically,  the Export feature for nmrpipe .tab files and Xeasy.peaks, has problems dealing with overlapped assignments in spectra.
When using the compressed name feature, sometimes peaks are exported with a wrong assignment in both Xeasy and nmrpipe files (as you know, the compressed assignment feature is important to obtain pseudo assignments upon exporting).

i.e. ,for the nmrPipe export: it happens quite frequently that assignments contain pseudo atoms rather than the stereo specific assignment assigned to the peak, if there are multiple assignments on a peak, due to overlap. 
To fix this we have resorted to just removing all overlapped peaks from the (nmrPipe) .tab files, but this is not an ideal situation, since we would also like to use the overlapped peaks in certain instances.

An other important issue is for us is to be able to retain and export the CLUSTID variable of the .tab files (we import the .tab peaks from nmrpipe, before assigning the peaks in Ccpnmr).
However, when exporting to files with the exporter, this variable is lost and all CLUSTID values are set to zero.

Are the authors of the format converter still on the developers team and cold they provide updates for these two issues?


Dean Strotz