

Hello all, 

My name is Mariana Zechini and I am one of Dr. Bernard K. Mean's students at Virginia Commonwealth University. I am a senior this year and am working on an honors thesis where I am studying the applications of 3D technology to zooarchaeology by scanning the faunal remains that we have in the Virtual Curation Laboratory at VCU. The members of my honors thesis committee include Dr. Bernard K Means and Dr. Amy Rector-Verrelli of VCU, as well as Dr. Elizabeth Moore of the Virginia Museum of Natural History. 

I am sending out a short six question survey about the potential use of 3D imaging in zooarchaeology and how helpful it may be. If it's not too much trouble, I would appreciate it if everyone could take a few moments to fill it out. It shouldn't take long and it would really help my research!

Thanks in advance, 
Mariana Zechini